Chapter Officers for 2023 - 2025


President - Mark DeNicola
[Pictured, from left: Past President David Johnston, President Joel Davenport, Immediate Past President George Lane, Vice President Mark DeNicola, 2nd Vice President Rick Prescott, Registrar Ron Jones, Genealogist/Webmaster Brett Thomas, former Secretary Lee Johnson, Chaplain Julius Hite & Treasurer Chuck Green. Not Pictured: Chancellor Hon. Jon Rymer
1st Vice President - OPEN
2nd Vice President - Rick Prescott
Secretary - David Flanagan
Treasurer - Chuck Green
Registrar - Ron Jones
Genealogist - Brett Thomas
Historian - Travis Baffa
Surgeon - Shawn Brunelle
Chaplain - Julius Hite
Webmaster - Brett Thomas
Color Guard CDR - OPEN
Sgt at Arms - Rob Dillon
Chancellor - The Hon. Jon Rymer
Trustees - Paul Jorden & George Lane

Those members who are interested in becoming a future Chapter Officer should contact the Chapter by clicking on the "Contact Us" tab on the left.

Past Chapter Presidents:

Joel Davenport

George Lane

Lester Phinney, Jr.

Ryan Corker

Wayne Croley

Nathaniel Hester

Paul Jorden

Lee Johnson

David Johnston

Ron Jones

Leonard Hill

Dr. Robert Reich

David Hammett